Teaching literary apreciation through film : Barbie and the magic of pegasus to the first year students of SMPN 2 Tugu Trenggalek 2009/2010 / Masruroh
Masruroh. 2010. Teaching Literary Appreciation Trough a Film at the First Year Students of SMPN 2 Tugu. Thesis. Graduate Program in English Education. STAIN Tulungagung. Susanto, SS. M.Pd
Key Word : Literary Appreciation, Film
English is as international language taught and studied at the school as subject that must be mastered by the learners. In this case literary appreciation is one of the materials of English subject that can be used to support the students in learning language. This study was designed to introduce the first year students as the beginner in learning literary appreciation. It was conducted in order to apply a strategy in teaching and learning English, especially literary appreciation. In this application, this study used film as a media to introduce literary appreciation.
It is applied to make student interesting in teaching and learning process and understanding how to appreciate literary work easier. The research problem was formulated as follows; “How is the process of teaching literary appreciation trough film; Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus ?â€, â€How is the students ability in appreciating literary work trough a film?â€, and “ how is the students responses toward teaching literary appreciation through a film; The Barbie and Magic of Pegasus?.
This study employed descriptive design with qualitative and quantitative approach. The object of this study was the first year students of SMPN 2 Tugu in academic year 2009/2010. It involved 30 students.
In collecting the data the writer administered tests and distributed questioner. In completing the data the writer apply observation and interview. The data of the study were the result of the test, questioner, observation and interview.
To analyze the result of test the writers used mean score method from all the sample that have value (x). it found how many percent (%) from all samples that have value and be interpreted to be criteria. It is supported by interview, and observation. The data then analyze qualitatively to take a common conclusion.
By observation when the writer taught, the writer finds that the students watch the film anxiously and the students seem happy in teaching and learning process. From the result of interview almost of the students interest and enjoy in teaching literary appreciation through a film.
From the result of the test their ability in understanding literary appreciation was good. The mean score was 84. It means that film can be applied in teaching literary appreciation.
From the questioner found that more than 50 % students have good responses toward teaching learning literary appreciation through film.
Referring to the achievement obtained by the students, it was suggested for the English teacher to use film as a instructional media in introduce literary appreciation. It was also recommended for future researcher to do further research to verify or to strengthen this present study.
T-2010/TBI/091 | T-2010 Mas TBI | UIN SATU Tulungagung | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Missing |
T-2010/TBI/092 | T-2010 Mas TBI | UIN SATU Tulungagung | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Missing |
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