The effectivenss of teaching vocabulary by using pictorial poard game in improving the fifth year student's vocabulary mastery at SDN Setonorejo Kras Kediri / Titis Wulandari
Wulandari, Titis. 2010. Register Number: 3213063091.
The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary By Using Pictorial Board Game in Improving The Fifth Year Student’s Mastery of Vocabulary, At SDN Setonorejo 1 Kras, Kediri.
Thesis, Sarjana Islamic Education in English Education Program, State Collage for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Tulungagung, Advisor: Nanik Sri Rahayu, M.Pd
Key Words: Effectiveness Pictorial Board Game, Media, Vocabulary Mastery
Pictorial Board Game was designed to improve students’ mastery of vocabulary. It was a modification of snake and Ladder which is modified by putting a picture represent a certain vocabulary on every step on the board to help student learning and remembering the vocabularies easily. This study was aimed at finding out whether pictorial board Game is effective in improve the vocabulary mastery of the fifth graders of SDN Setonorejo 1 Kras, Kediri.
The problems of the study are: (1) how is the students’ achievement vocabulary mastery before Taught by using Pictorial board game? (2) how is the students’ achievement vocabulary mastery after Taught by using Pictorial board game? (3) Is there any difference between the students’ achievement on vocabulary mastery before using board game and after using pictorial Board game?
The purposes of the study: (1) to know how is the students’ achievement vocabulary mastery before Taught by using Pictorial board game? (2) to know how is the students’ achievement vocabulary mastery after Taught by using Pictorial board game? (3) to know Is there any difference between the students’ achievement on vocabulary mastery before using board game and after using pictorial Board game?
This research used experimental design .This research intended to investigate the influence of Pictorial Board Game as media in teaching vocabulary to the fifth year students of SDN Setonorejo 1 Kras, Kediri. The design used by the research is pre-experimental design in one-group, pretest and posttest, the method of collecting data is administering whit test. The analysis technique of data used t-test statistical analysis for treatment media of teaching vocabulary.
Research findings: after pretest was done, the data showed that are 22 students get in sufficient score, 8 students get sufficient score, 1 student get good score and nobody gets very good and excellent score. It means that there are 71% students get in sufficient score, 26% students get sufficient score, and 3% student get good score, and 0% who get very good and excellent score in vocabulary mastery before using pictorial board game, it means that the student vocabulary mastery before taught using pictorial board game. Than after posttest was done, the data showed that there are 2 students get in sufficient score, 2 students get Sufficient score, 12 student get good score, 11 students get very good score, 4 students get Excellent. It means that there are 6% students get in sufficient score, 6 % students get sufficient score, and 39% student gets good score, 36% students get good score, and 13% gets Excellent score. Students who get excellent score in vocabulary mastery after using pictorial board game, it means that the student vocabulary mastery after taught using pictorial board game. The students vocabulary is improved.
The result of computation showed that (7.294 > 2.042), so Ho is rejected or Ha is accepted. It means that there were any significant influences between score of pretest and posttest. It can be concluded that the students get good achievement in vocabulary mastery after taught by using Pictorial Board game. The students vocabulary mastery improved and significantly better than before taught by using Pictorial Board game, so teaching vocabulary by using pictorial board game is effective to improve students’ mastery on vocabulary. It is suggested that the English teachers use Pictorial Board Game since it can improve students’ mastery of vocabulary.
T-2010/TBI/075 | T-2010 Wul TBI | UIN SATU Tulungagung | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Missing |
T-2010/TBI/076 | T-2010 Wul TBI | UIN SATU Tulungagung | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Missing |
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