Improving student’s reading comprehension ability of x (tenth) grade students using questioning strategy at SMA terpadu Abul Faidl Wonodadi Blitar in Academic year 2010/2011
Rohim, Ah. Zainur. Registered Student. 3213073028. 2011. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability of X (Tenth) grade Students using Questioning Strategy at SMA Terpadu Abul Faidl Wonodadi Blitar in Academic Year 2010/2011. Thesis. English Education Program, State Islamic College (STAIN) Tulungagung.
Advisor: H. Nursamsu, M.Pd.
Key Words: Questioning Strategy, Reading Comprehension
This study was designed to improve the students’ reading comprehension by using “Questioning Strategyâ€. It was conducted in order to find a model of teaching and learning English, especially in reading class. In its application, this study was done in cycles involving planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting.
This strategy was selected because it was believed to be able to stimulate the students to be more involved in the reading activities and to facilitate the students to comprehend the passages. The problem in teaching and learning process is that the students feel that English as one difficult subject. The majority of the students had low motivation and interest. When the students were asked by the teacher to answer questions from the text, many students in a class found difficulties to answer the questions. Consequently, the students did not understand the message of the text and they became bored. The researcher gave questioning to make up their mind to understand in their reading material. Thus, this study was directed to solve practical problem in the process of teaching and learning. The research problem was formulated as: “How can the students’ reading ability of X (tenth) grade at SMA Terpadu Abul Faidl in academic year 2010/2011 be improved by using the developed of questioning strategy?
This classroom action research, which is done to solve the problems faced in SMA Terpadu Abul Faidl Wonodadi Blitar is focused on students’ reading ability. The subjects of this study were the X (tenth) grade students of SMA Terpadu Abul Faidl Wonodadi Blitar. The classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, and each cycle consists of four phases, namely: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. In each cycle there were two meetings.
The result of this study showed that after using questioning strategy in teaching and learning process, the students’ understanding to the text was improved. It was closely related to the skill of their reading ability and they got higher score. When the material used in teaching and learning process was interesting, it could make them set up their attention on the text given. Basically, the students like to be guided, so that the researcher must lead by giving questioning to develop their idea.
Based on the result after giving questioning, the students’ achievements were improved. It is shows from the result of the test from preliminary, cycle 1, and cycle 2. The researcher found that the students’ mean score was 65.23. By the fact the researcher arranged the research to improve the students’ reading comprehension through giving questioning. In cycle 1 the researcher found that the mean score of the students who passed in the test was increasing. The mean score of the students was 73.17. However, it is not achieving the criteria of success. So, the researcher did the second cycle. In cycle 2 the researcher found that the mean score of the students was 80.82. From this data the minimum target of the students’ success was achieved and with the result the researcher could stop the research.
Finally some suggestions that can be given to improve the quality of teaching and learning process related to the students’ reading ability are avoiding the students’ boredom by giving some leading questions activities. Teacher must be creative in teaching and learning process by giving various methods. Teacher must always support the students and motivate them.
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