Gaya APA

Listriani, Aliffiana. (2011). The effect of using motion pictures on the student’s achievement in vocabulary of the fourth year students at SDN 2 Sawahan Trenggalek . Tulungagung: STAIN Tulungagung.

Gaya Chicago

Listriani, Aliffiana. The effect of using motion pictures on the student’s achievement in vocabulary of the fourth year students at SDN 2 Sawahan Trenggalek. Tulungagung: STAIN Tulungagung, 2011. Skripsi.

Gaya MLA

Listriani, Aliffiana. The effect of using motion pictures on the student’s achievement in vocabulary of the fourth year students at SDN 2 Sawahan Trenggalek. Tulungagung: STAIN Tulungagung, 2011. Skripsi.

Gaya Turabian

Listriani, Aliffiana. The effect of using motion pictures on the student’s achievement in vocabulary of the fourth year students at SDN 2 Sawahan Trenggalek. Tulungagung: STAIN Tulungagung, 2011. Skripsi.