The effect of using motion pictures on the student’s achievement in vocabulary of the fourth year students at SDN 2 Sawahan Trenggalek
LISTRIANI, ALIFFIANA. 3213073031, “The Effect Of Using Motion Pictures On The Student`s Achievement In Vocabulary Of The Fourth Year Students At SDN 2 Sawahan-Trenggalekâ€, Department of Education STAIN Tulungagung, Advisors: 1. Dra. Hj. Retno Indayati, M.Si, 2. Faizatul Istiqomah, M.Ed.
Key Word : Motion pictures, teaching vocabulary
Vocabulary is needed for the effective communication, without vocabulary the students will find difficulties in communication. Vocabulary has important role in English. Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of foreign language. It means that vocabulary is very important for learning foreign language that students are expected to be able to apply the four language skills: they are listening, writing, speaking and reading.
The formulation of the research problems were: 1) How is the students` achievement in vocabulary before being taught by using motion pictures? 2) How is the students` achievement in vocabulary after being taught by using motion pictures? 3) Is there any significant different score of students before and after being taught by using motion pictures?
The purposes of the study are: 1) To know the students` achievement in vocabulary before being taught by using motion pictures. 2) To know the students` achievement in vocabulary after taught by using motion pictures. 3) To know is there any significant different score before and after being taught by using motion pictures.
Research Design: 1) Experimental design with quantitative research.. 2) Population 50 students, divided into two groups, they are 25 students A class as experimental group and 25 students B class as control group. 3) The method of collecting data are test.
The result showed that: 1) The students `score before taught by using motion pictures is 8.8. 2) The students` scores after taught by using motion pictures is 17.2. 3) The finding of the research was that the t count = 8.75 whereas t table significant at 5% = 2.06, it is significant different and known from the t count is bigger than t table = 8.75 > 2.06. It means that there was any significant different score before and after being taught by using motion pictures. Null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Therefore, the motion picture was effective to improve the students` achievement in teaching vocabulary for the fourth year students at SDN 2 Sawahan-Trenggalek.
T-2011/TBI/029 | T-2011 Lis TBI | UIN SATU Tulungagung | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
T-2011/TBI/030 | T-2011 Lis TBI | UIN SATU Tulungagung | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
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