Gaya APA

Buduri, Dinandra Faidatul. (2023). The Effect of Price, Product Quality, and Promotion on The Purchasing Decision of MS Glow Products at MS Glow Tulungagung Branch Agent . Tulungagung: FEBI UIN SATU Tulungagung.

Gaya Chicago

Buduri, Dinandra Faidatul. The Effect of Price, Product Quality, and Promotion on The Purchasing Decision of MS Glow Products at MS Glow Tulungagung Branch Agent. Tulungagung: FEBI UIN SATU Tulungagung, 2023. Jurnal.

Gaya MLA

Buduri, Dinandra Faidatul. The Effect of Price, Product Quality, and Promotion on The Purchasing Decision of MS Glow Products at MS Glow Tulungagung Branch Agent. Tulungagung: FEBI UIN SATU Tulungagung, 2023. Jurnal.

Gaya Turabian

Buduri, Dinandra Faidatul. The Effect of Price, Product Quality, and Promotion on The Purchasing Decision of MS Glow Products at MS Glow Tulungagung Branch Agent. Tulungagung: FEBI UIN SATU Tulungagung, 2023. Jurnal.