Gaya APA
Humes, James. (2003).
Which President Killed a Man? : Tantalizing trivia and fucs about our chief executives and first ladies .
New York:
McGraw Hill.
Gaya Chicago
Humes, James.
Which President Killed a Man? : Tantalizing trivia and fucs about our chief executives and first ladies.
New York:
McGraw Hill,
Buku Tercetak.
Gaya MLA
Humes, James.
Which President Killed a Man? : Tantalizing trivia and fucs about our chief executives and first ladies.
New York:
McGraw Hill,
Buku Tercetak.
Gaya Turabian
Humes, James.
Which President Killed a Man? : Tantalizing trivia and fucs about our chief executives and first ladies.
New York:
McGraw Hill,
Buku Tercetak.