Aziza Fitria Ghafur , Register Number: 3213073038. 2011. The Effectiveness of Community Language Learning (CLL) in teaching Speaking of Class VIII in MTs Al Huda Bandung Tulungagung. Thesis. Englis…
Muayadah, Nihayatul. Registered Students.3213073084.2011, The Effectiveness of Teaching English Vocabulary by Using TPR Method to Fourth Graders of MI Karanggandu –Watulimo Academic Year 201…
Rohimatul Tutik; 3213073022. “ Similarities and Differences Between English and Javanese Simple Sentences as Found in Hello English Magazineâ€. Thesis, English Education Program, Islamic…
Kurniyati, Lina, Registered Student. 3213073063. 2011. Deixis used in the Readers’ Forum of the Jakarta Post Newspaper. Thesis English Education Program, STAIN Tulungagung. Advisor: Nurul Ch…
Nikmaturohmah, Nayu Zariah. Registered Student. 3213073081. 2011. The Correlation between Simple Present Tense Mastery and Ability in Writing Descriptive Text of the First Graders of SMPN 1 Kauman.…
ABSTRACT Muntiyah. Registered Student.3213073077. 2011. A Descriptive Study on Teaching Reading to the Second Grade Students at MTs Aswaja Tunggangri Kalidawir. Thesis. English Education Program. …
Muyassaroh. Registered Student.3213073078. 2011. Error Analysis on the use of preposition made by the students of class VIII SMPN 5 Trenggalek in the academic year 2010/ 2011. Thesis. English Educa…
Masruri, M Zen. Registered Student. 3213073076. 2011. AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE ON THE LYRICS OF WESTLIFE’S SELECTED SONGS. Thesis. English Educational Program. State Islamic Colleg…
A.P,Fatimatuszahro’, Nofrilyan. Registered number.323073087. 2011. The Effectiveness of Using Think-Pair-Share Strategy in Improving Students Writing Narrative Text at Class XI Social Progra…
Puspitorini, Indah. Registered Student. 3213073012. 2011. Analysis on Cohesive Devices used in Descriptive Texts of Senior High School Books. Thesis, English Education Program, State Islamic Colleg…