ABSTRACT : Moral values is likely same with al-urf which essentially has a meaning and purpose as in al-qur'an and al-sunnah. Al-qur'an and al-sunnah are not descends separating from social live th…
ABSTRACT : The word fitrah has a close relationship with the word fitrah found in the term 'idul fitri (feast celebrating the end of fasting period) and in the term zakat fitrah (tithe in rice or m…
NIM:3231063007 Skripsi dengan judul “Konsep Musibah dalam Al-Qur’an (Kajian Tafsir Tematik)†ini ditulis oleh Riris Trisnawati dibimbing oleh Salamah Noorhidayati, M.Ag Penelit…
NIM:3211063058 Sekripsi dengan judul “Konsep Pendidikan Islam Dalam Perspektif K.H. Ahmad Dahlan†ini ditulis oleh Fuad Hasan dibimbing oleh Prof. Dr. H. Mujamil Qomar, M.Ag. Penelit…